On Saturday, May 18th, Friends of the Cresheim Trail and our friends in Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill will close Cresheim Valley Drive to traffic between Germantown and Stenton Avenues and take to the streets with trash bags and trash pickers and clean the drive as part of Love Your Park spring festivities. We’ll meet […]
Earth Day volunteer event Sun 4/21
The Cresheim Trail volunteer workday for April is a multi-level celebration: For one, it’s Earth Day weekend, and what better way to celebrate than by pitching in to make it just a little better? And secondly, it’s the first anniversary of the creation of the Friends Loop — the Cresheim-adjacent loop trail on the Chestnut […]
Philadelphia and Montgomery County Communities Unite to Extend Cresheim Trail
NOTE: This story originally appeared on Independence Youth Cycling’s website. Philadelphia, PA – In a significant community-driven initiative, Friends of Cresheim Trail (FOCT), Independence Youth Cycling (IYC), including its youth mountain bike teams SoMont Cycling and Philly Wiss, along with local volunteers and Cresheim Trail enthusiasts, have successfully extended the Cresheim Trail to the border […]
Big Volunteer Workday Sat 3/16
Interested in a first look into the future? Join us! On Saturday, March 16th at 9AM, we’ll host a volunteer workday to do early work on the official next phase of the Cresheim Trail: the section between Germantown and Stenton Avenues. This section will follow the alignment of the Pennsylvania Railroad’s Fort Washington (AKA Cresheim) […]
January volunteer workday CANCELED

Hate to do it folks, but we’re gonna cancel the volunteer workday planned for this weekend. More snow’s on its way and it’s gonna be about 15º Saturday morning, so we’ll try again next month. Instead, wax up your boots, fill up your fat tires, layer up and get out into it. Please note: Next […]