2025 Volunteer Workdays

Friends of the Cresheim Trail are happy to announce our volunteer workdays for 2025. As with last year, we’ve added several Sunday options for the folks who can’t make Saturdays. All dates are in the graphic at right, so plug us into your preferred calendar and we’ll catch you on the trail.

With the rail trail rough draft up to Stenton Avenue and with new focus work in the Friends Loop area, our tasks are various and plentiful, in addition to ongoing ecological restoration and the usual upkeep of the main Cresheim Trail. We’ll also have our customary two cleanups of Cresheim Valley Drive (the northern half in spring and southern half in fall), plus the citywide Love Your Park activities coordinated by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation and Fairmount Park Conservancy.

And, if you’re a Weavers Way working member, be sure to put your member number on the sign-in sheet and we’ll make sure to send your hours over.

As always, follow us on Instagram & Facebook for the latest info (including upcoming tasks and any changes to workdays).