Cresheim Trail Volunteer Workday Sat 7/20

The early forecast for the July Cresheim Trail workday — Saturday, July 20th — looks good, sunny and comfortably in the 60s–70s at go time.

We’ll meet at 9am at the classic Cresheim Trail workday spot, on *northbound* Cresheim Valley Drive opposite Navajo Street. There’s plenty of parking on that side (no parking on southbound, please), and it’s only a 3-minute walk from the recently improved Germantown Avenue trailhead.

As pictured in in the graphic by our own Johnny J Appleseed, we’ll be giving our thirsty plantings a drink, among other trail duties like clearing sight lines (i.e. removing summer vegetation encroachment into the trail) and cutting additional knotweed in our focus area along Cresheim Creek. We’ll also scout the area around the log ride for fallen timber to use on a project this fall to replace rotting pieces. Hope to see you there.

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Our August workday will happen Sunday, August 18th.