The next volunteer workday on the Cresheim Trail is coming Sunday, August 18th. We’ll have a variety of light, late summer tasks like the typical trimming of vegetation from the trail corridor, clearing some fallen branches and brush after Tropical Storm Debby passed through, potentially some rock work, possibly some boardwalk maintenance. We’ll meet at 9am as usual, at the classic Cresheim meetup spot opposite Navajo Street on *northbound* Cresheim Valley Drive. It’s a 3-minute walk from the Germantown Ave trailhead and there’s plenty of parking space if you’re driving.
The flower in the photo here is the cup plant, Silphium perfoliatum, an herbaceous perennial that’s native to eastern North America. It grows up to 8 feet tall and has these pretty yellow flowers that bloom in summer. There’s a great stand of them along Cresheim Road coming down from Richard Allen Lane Station where the asphalt sidewalk turns into dirt trail. Two years ago, Independence Youth Cycling and Philly Wiss MTB helped us build the bike jump featured in this area.
The next scheduled workday after this will be on Saturday, September 21st. Friends of the Cresheim Trail will also have a table at Supper Sessions in Mt Airy on Wednesday, September 4th, so stop by and say hello!